Monday, June 23, 2008

Ene khen be? - Who is this? (Interrogative Particles 2/2)

Shine Ug (New Word) / Vocabulary

- father
eej - mother
emee - grandmother
ovoo - grandfather
egch - older sister
akh - older brother
duu - younger sibling

Asuukh Nokhtsol / Interrogative Particles (cont...)

Mongol Khelnii asuukh ug "be" -g "N, M, B" giigullegcheer togsson ugend daguulna. Jisheelbel: Ene khen be? Ter yamar nom be? gekh met. (The question word "be" follows words which end with the consonant "N,M,B". For example: Ene khen be? Ter yamar nom be?)

Zagvar / Model

1. Ene khen be? Ene aav.
Who is this? This is a father.
2. Ter khen be? Ter eej.
Who is that? That is a mother.
3. Ene khen be? Ene emee.
Who is this? This is a grandmother.
4. Ter khen be? Ter ovoo.
Who is that? That is a grandfather.
5. Ene khen be? Ene egch.
Who is this? This is an older sister.
6. Ter khen be? Ter akh.
Who is that? That is an older brother.
7. Ene khen be? Ene duu.
Who is this? This is a younger sibling.
8. Ter khen be? Ter bi.
Who is that? That is I.

Toloonii ug / Pronouns
  • I - Bi
  • You - Chi
  • You (Polite) - Ta
  • He/She/It - Ene, Ter
Mongol khelnii ner ugiig "bi, chi, ta, ter, ene" ugs-ny I, II, III bieiig toloolj kheldeg. The pronouns "bi, chi, ta, ter, ene" are said to represent the ist, 2nd, and 3rd person for nouns. Bi (I) - 1st person. Chi / Ta (you) - 2nd person. Ter / Ene (he/she/it - 3rd person).

Jisheelbel / Example
  • Bi surguulid surdag. - I study at school.
  • Chi (Ta) ajil khiideg uu? - Do you work?
  • Ter (Ene) khen be? - Who is she/he?

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